The TWA Hotel strives to accommodate the needs of all guests, including those with disabilities.
Accessible guestrooms feature:
- A spacious layout with clearances for wheelchair mobility throughout the rooms, including at desks, and the bathrooms
- Open bed frames with clearance for personal lift devices
- Vanities and mirrors in the bathrooms designed for use from wheelchairs
- Lighting controls operated with toggle or push button switches that do not require tight grips
- Lowered cocktail bars and mini refrigerators
- Motorized solar roller window shades operated via lowered wall-mounted switches
- Life safety devices designed for visually impaired and hearing impaired guests
- Lowered power outlets
- Braille room numbers
- Key card readers positioned so that individuals who use wheelchairs may operate them
- Door hardware usable with one hand, without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist
- Lever-type door handles
- 32+ inch-wide openings for all doorways to and within rooms*
- Controls, light switches, and power outlets at accessible heights*
- Televisions with closed captioning capability
- Lower sink height*
- Lower towel hooks and racks*
- Grab bars by the toilet and bath*
- Roll-in shower with grab bars and permanent fold-down seat
- Fixed showerhead
- Handheld shower wand*
*Feature available in certain accessible room(s) only.
Reserve an accessible guestroom via our online booking engine. Please email to request any special arrangements or to answer your questions about the accessibility of the hotel and our guestrooms.
Any corresponding photo may not reflect the specific accessible guestroom type or room feature.